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Number of trainees at the Mercateo Group rises

Leipzig, 6 August 2020 • The Mercateo Group is increasing the number of trainee positions in the new academic year. Whereas 8 youngsters started...

Mercateo Group continued to grow in 2019

Munich, 12 March 2020 – The Mercateo Group successfully continued its profitable growth trajectory last year. In 2019, the company generated sales...

Successful 2018 financial year for Mercateo Group

Munich, 12th February 2019 - The Mercateo Group can look back on a successful fiscal year. The preliminary figures for 2018 show sales of €285...

Mercateo has once again grown profitably in 2017

Munich, 1st February 2018 – Mercateo AG exceeded the sales mark of a quarter of a billion euros for the first time in the fiscal year 2017. The...


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