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We’re always looking for collaborative and courageous people to join our organisation. Here you can learn about our benefits and search for the latest jobs at Unite. So, bring your best and we’ll help you grow.

Join us and create a sustainable future!

We at Unite want to make the future brighter. Our most important mission is sustainability and we’re confident that we can significantly contribute to changing the B2B industry. We owe our success to a motivated and committed team. Everyone contributes their unique ideas for global sustainability; this is how Unite becomes a little more colourful and diverse every month. Now all that’s missing is you!

Choose your own path with Unite

At Unite, our people always come first, whether working smarter or investing in personal development. You can choose how you wish to use our modern, well-equipped offices. Be it flexible working hours, hybrid working models, or remote contracts. You’ll also have access to the Unite Academy to help broaden your knowledge and gain the skills needed for the job.

Unite around the world

Over 700 employees work at Unite from 14 EU countries. There's also the option to work from home, anywhere in the world. Where would you like to join us from?

Join our tech team

Being part of a fast-growing company is exciting. Driving that growth technologically is even better! Join our tech team and take the Unite platform to a new level.

New talents

It doesn’t matter if you’re still a student or looking for internships: give your career dreams the boost it needs with Unite.

Ready to change the world with us?

Unite connects business communities to achieve long-term sustainable goals. Our innovative B2B platform connects buyers and suppliers for mutual benefit. With over 20 years of experience, our focus is on building a sustainable future.

We know what is important for you

Work-life balance

We strive to find the right balance. That means flexible working hours, remote work possibilities, job sharing and part-time work.

Modern offices

Creativity needs space. Our work environment is optimised for performance and individual needs. Smart, isn’t it?

Flexible work

Whatever works for you: work from home or the office. Unite is headquartered in Leipzig, but our employees are at home worldwide.

Grow together

Unite has a great work culture where talents are valued, recognised and consciously promoted.

I look forward to coming to the office because there’s always a great atmosphere and a strong sense of togetherness.

Marcel, Sales Team

How we hire

Finding your next job can be tricky, which is why we make the process as seamless as possible for our applicants.

Easy to apply

Our online application process makes it easy to get started on your Unite career journey.

Open communication

We review your application and let you know if you’ve made the cut. This is followed by a virtual interview with our HR team.

Meet your colleagues

Your second interview will be with your potential team leader, and you’ll have the chance to connect with other Unite co-workers.

Speedy response

If you’ve got the job, you’ll hear from us right away. And if you’re not the right fit, we’ll provide personal feedback so you can continue your job search.

Share your value with Unite

From experienced experts to career starters, we’re always on the lookout for great people who can bring their best. So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our current vacancies today.

Unitees seated in one of the many rooms at the ne HQ which offers a closed space for discussion

Have a career-related question?

Our team will be happy to respond.

[email protected]