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Unite is EcoVadis certified

At Unite we take sustainability – including environmental protection and social responsibility – seriously. And so do our business partners. That's why we work with the external auditing body, EcoVadis, who examine our CSR activities and provide us with feedback for improvements.

Logo EvoVadis certificate

EcoVadis rates Unite among top 17% 

In January 2022, EcoVadis rated our CSR activities once again. The world's largest provider of sustainability ratings for companies certified us with their Bronze label.

In the individual categories, Unite Holding SE (Group) features among the top 17% of companies rated by EcoVadis in the wholesale, fee-based, or contract-based industry.

Peter Ledermann, Unite

We’re happy to receive this recognition of our CSR activities. Nonetheless, the report also shows the need for further improvements. We’re guided not only by external factors, but CSR at Unite, like so many other issues, is first and foremost intrinsically motivated.

Peter Ledermann, Board Member and Managing Director at Unite

Unite acts with integrity and transparency

We act with integrity and transparency

We believe that every individual should be treated with respect and dignity, and that fair labour practices and human rights are essential components of a sustainable and just society.

Our scores in the categories of "environment", "labour and human rights" and "ethics" remain above average and consistent with the previous assessment.

This indicates that Unite is committed to upholding labour and human rights, as well as taking its ethical responsibilities seriously. Our customers can rest assured that we are committed to operating with integrity and transparency.

People shaking hands

How does it benefit our customers?

Buyers have long stopped buying or negotiating based on price alone. The true cost to business continuity is wrapped up in vulnerable global supply chains that extend beyond monetary value.

As a result, many companies today demand transparency beyond tier-one suppliers and aim to deliver on their sustainability and CSR efforts.

The EcoVadis certification helps Unite customers meet their sustainable procurement requirements and offers the reassurance of their supply chain through a recognised label.

EcoVadis logo

What is EcoVadis?

EcoVadis is a worldwide provider of sustainability ratings and intelligent, collaborative performance tools for global supply chains. EcoVadis’ sustainability scorecards provide detailed insights into environmental, social and ethical risks.

Over 50,000 subscribers, spread across 150 countries and 150 industries use EcoVadis to reduce risk, promote innovation and create trust and transparency between business partners.

You can learn about their efforts on the EcoVadis website.

Contact us

Want to know more about sustainability at Unite? Get in touch with us.