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Unite at the DPW Amsterdam 2023

Event date: 11.10.23 - 12.10.23

Meet us at the DPW Amsterdam and learn more about the Unite Platform with its integrated Mercateo B2B Marketplace and Procurement Portal.

Join us at the Digital Procurement World (DPW), the most influential tech event in procurement in Amsterdam! It’s where the world’s biggest brands in procurement come together to showcase cutting-edge innovations that will shape the future of procurement.

We’re participating for the second year in a row because it’s an excellent opportunity to showcase our Unite Platform with its integrated B2B Marketplace, Mercateo, and connect with decision-makers driving innovation in the procurement field.

Unite’s e-procurement platform is highly trusted and offers seamless sourcing and purchasing for B2B organisations. It integrates the Mercateo B2B Marketplace and Procurement Portal, facilitating effortless transactions between buyers and suppliers. The platform’s scalable infrastructure supports connections, ensures business stability, and strengthens the supply chain.

Meet our experts at Hall 1 / Booth 9

Robert Weitmann,
Country Manager Benelux

Robert Heinlein,
Technical Sales Consultant

Robert Klembas,
Global Key Account Manager

René Thomas,
Global Key Account Manager

Book a meeting at the DPW Amsterdam

... to ensure that we can allocate dedicated time to discuss how the Unite Platform can support your procurement needs and contribute to your organisation’s success.

You can’t be there in person?

Then you can find out more about Unite and get in touch here.
