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Unite’s new headquarters inaugurated

A testament to our commitment to European values and collaboration.

Lord Mayor of Leipzig Burkhard Jung and Unite Executive Board Member Peter Ledermann at the Unite HQ inauguration

Unite inaugurated its new headquarters in the heart of Europe. The air was filled with anticipation as local press representatives, customers, partners and other stakeholders, amounting to over 100 guests, gathered to commemorate this significant milestone in Unite’s journey.

The guest of honour, the Lord Mayor of Leipzig Burkhard Jung, who is also Eurocities President since June 2023, was particularly interested to know that Unite’s offices span locations under his administrative care, such as Valencia, Leipzig, Cardiff, Zurich, and Vienna.

Inside our new corporate headquarters

Lasting partnerships

For Unite, with operations spanning 12 European markets, this moment was not just about brick and mortar; but symbolised a deeper commitment to Leipzig and its global workforce.

Since its founding in 2000, Leipzig has been integral to Unite’s growth story. Situated in the heart of the city, Unite’s new headquarters is a testament to an enduring partnership with Leipzig and its vibrant cultural heritage.

The building itself, conceived long before the challenges of COVID-19, reflects Unite’s forward-thinking approach to workspace dynamics and its unwavering pursuit of excellence. 

Interview: Unite Board Member Peter Ledermann

Embracing ‘New Work’

The spirit of collaboration and innovation was palpable as attendees embarked on a guided tour of the state-of-the-art facilities along with the Unite Board. This was followed by a discussion on ‘New Work’ with Peter Ledermann, Unite Board Member, and Prof. Dr Peter M Wald, Professor of Human Resources Management at the HTWK Leipzig. The professor described the hybrid style of working as freedom of choice.

“Empowerment is more than delegation. It’s about self-determination, self-organisation, and making decisions independently without micromanaging everything. It’s also about granting people the freedom and opportunities for personal and professional development,” he said. 

The opening of the new headquarters seamlessly aligns with Unite’s overarching goals and vision. Located strategically in the heart of Europe, it also reinforces the company’s commitment to ‘Made in Europe’. Additionally, Unite’s focus on corporate responsibility shines through its support for local communities and adherence to ethical tax practices. 

Unite’s commitment

Peter Ledermann reiterated the professor’s sentiment and replied that ‘New Work’ at Unite is all about “finding joy and meaning in work, and this requires the right environment, clarity, and transparency. It’s about individual needs seamlessly integrating within their community and team.” 

As the day culminated in networking over a sumptuous lunch, attendees shared the excitement of Unite’s future endeavours. With the new headquarters as a beacon of progress and innovation, Unite continues its growth and responsible corporate citizenship journey.  

Leipzig may have witnessed the dawn of a new era, but the best is yet to come for Unite. 

A new home for Unite

More information about the Unite headquarters