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Smart Work: Flexible as life

As companies bring their employees back to the office post-pandemic, many professionals have to say goodbye to their beloved work-from-home setup. At Unite, we think that’s a missed opportunity.

Unitees engaged in a dialogue at work

We’re sticking to flexible working models as they support our recruitment process. Rather than thinking in terms of office locations, we’re focusing on the cultural, personal and professional skills our applicants bring to the table. 

Our flexible working models even won us 3rd place in the Germany-wide Mindshift Award. The jury recognised our Smart Work concept that lets our employees enjoy flexible and hybrid working styles. Our colleagues share their stories of how this shift has created opportunities for them. 

Jan: “The world is my office” 

Children turn your life upside down. Jan Fucks from IT knows a thing or two about this. When he started working as a Linux system administrator in Leipzig back in 2020, he was happy to have a job within walking distance from his home. gehen konnte.

Shortly after, the Covid pandemic broke out. “We all started working from home, which was unfamiliar at first. After all, I had just started working at Unite! But once I’d adjusted, I saw the beauty in working from home.” 

His second child, a girl, was born around this time. Thanks to his flexible working hours, he was able to spend time with her that he wouldn’t have had otherwise. During his many online meetings, she was in her little baby carrier right next to him. This proximity created a wonderful bond between them. “I wouldn’t have had this opportunity in a traditional office setup. Unite’s responsible approach to working from home during the pandemic allowed me to be involved with the company while also spending lots of time with my young daughter,” says Jan. 

Jan Fucks leads the Tech-Lead at Unite
Jan Fucks leads the Tech-Lead at Unite.

Complete freedom 

Now that the social distancing rules have been lifted, Jan works from Unite the office at least 3 days a week. Even though this may limit his flexibility, he gets to experience the company culture up close and personal again. Flexible working hours still matter to him: “Technically, I could work at night and enjoy quality time with my family during the day.” 

Jan usually spends the first part of the day playing with his children and then sits down at his computer to support his colleagues at work. He can work from anywhere, whether that’s in Leipzig, at home or even in a camper van. And he wouldn’t have it any other way: “The world is my office, and that’s great,” says Jan. 

Saving for a sabbatical 

Before his son started school in 2023, Jan went on an 11-week sabbatical with his family in southern Europe. To be able to do that, he’d waived part of his salary over a fixed period and put that money towards the trip. “It’s a fantastic way to travel with my family for such a long time in one go,” says Jan with a smile. 

And when he got back to work, a new challenge awaited him: Jan is now the new technical manager of the Linux Cloud and Network Team! We wish him all the best in his new role! 

Claudia works in customer support at Unite.

Claudia: “The flexible work hours make my life as a mother easier.”

“Unite is a very family-oriented company. As a mother, I appreciate that a lot. I work in customer support, so I’m the go-to person for complaints and returns. At Unite, I set my own work hours to suit my schedule. I can work from home or in the office thanks to my laptop and online tools, I also appreciate the many benefits and perks that Unite offers. That includes a bicycle that I pay off with a small monthly fee. The camaraderie with my colleagues is great. By communicating openly, we achieve a sense of unity and belonging. We support each other and appreciate the value of feedback. I don’t feel like yet another cog in the wheel at Unite. I feel valued and appreciated.”

Stefan is IT administrator at Unite

Stefan: “Full-time work and family – here I can do both.”

“At Unite, I can bring my ideas to the table and to life. I get to help shape projects. Having this much creative space in IT is a big plus for me. If I need to, I also have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, day or night. When I was getting my kid accustomed to our childminder, I could speak with my team and team lead about shifting my work hours. Everyone was supportive, and I feel valued. You’re seen and treated as a human being here. When you have work and family to consider, you need an employer who will support you. Unite is that kind of employer.”

Your future with Unite

Your future with Unite

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