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“Unlocking efficiency: key drivers in indirect material procurement”

The world of procurement has changed. The Leipzig University of Applied Sciences teams up with Unite to analyse the key factors that influence the procurement process for indirect materials within European companies.
The study, “Unlocking efficiency: key drivers in indirect material procurement” acknowledges that the world of procurement has challenges brought about by permacrisis, along with evolving regulations and sustainability requirements.

Goal of the study

Prof Dr Holger Müller from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences explains the goals of the new study and why it's important to investigate the key factors of indirect procurement today.

Why you should participate?

The study needs your practical insight as experts. Many of these insights can be used to create a scientific comparison at European level, from which points of reference and recommendations for your strategic decisions can be derived.

About Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig) was established in 1992, building on its predecessors and continuing a long tradition of scholarship in Leipzig. Today, with about 6,000 students, HTWK Leipzig ranks among Germany’s largest universities of applied sciences. Providing practise-oriented, career-relevant education in short and intense courses of study that lead to accredited bachelor’s and master’s degrees is HTWK Leipzig’s trademark feature. The curricula have been designed to meet rapidly evolving industry needs, preparing students for high-level professional practice in fields such as engineering, business, social science and cultural studies.

Prof Dr Holger Müller has over 25 years of experience in digitalisation in procurement, conducting numerous studies and projects and publishing several papers. He conducted numerous studies and projects, publishing several papers. He received the BME Science Prize and the Austrian e-Procurement Award for his dissertation on selecting electronic marketplaces from a procurement perspective. He was appointed Chair of Supply Chain Management at HTWK Leipzig in 2013. He has been the Managing Director of the CfSM - Centre for Supply Management since 2004 and a member of the Saxony Regional Board of the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics since 2011.

Marcel Graf has been working as a research assistant at the HTWK on various interdisciplinary research projects since May 2016. He moved to the Chair of Supply Chain Management at the Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering in Auguest 2018. In collaboration with Prof. Holger Müller, various studies, concepts and articles have been developed and published on the topics of evaluating business models from the perspective of digitalisation, the development potential of platforms in B2B e-commerce and the impact of disruptive technologies on the Saxon economy. Additionally, these works have garnered significant attention and recognition within the academic community.

Join the survey

Be one of the first to receive the results exclusively before publication. Completing the questionnaire will only take 15-20 minutes.