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Articles 13 — Page 1 of 2

B2B vs B2C marketplaces

What’s the difference between dedicated marketplaces for businesses and consumers?

Simple solutions that put a stop to maverick buying

Discover the second part of our maverick buying series.

What is maverick buying and what are the risks?

Find out what maverick buying is all about, why it happens, and how it could impact your business.

Information Security Management at Unite

IT Security Officer Alexander Warschun talks about Information Security Management at Unite.

Commanding the future: armed forces personnel take charge

Unite is committed to creating a thriving workforce and a part of that includes hiring ex-service personnel.

E-procurement trends in a post-Covid world

How do we tackle the challenges faced by procurement professionals in a post-Covid era?

Indirect tail spend matters in procurement strategies

Indirect tail spend represents around 20% of a company’s spending. Learn more about tail spend challenges and how to gain significant savings.

Equipped for tomorrow

Interview with KAISER+KRAFT about the company’s quest for a sustainable future.

Cybersecurity: How to protect your work devices from malware

Learn how you can protect your mobile devices against viruses and malware.

Cybersecurity: how to create a secure password

Unite’s IT Operations Officer, Alexander Warschun, explains how complex a password needs to be.

Sustainability beyond CSR

Taking action in procurement and supply chain management

“A second life for IT hardware”

Interview with Marco Kuhn from bb-net