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Articles 72 — Page 5 of 6

Unite Health Day at Köthen

The annual ‘Health Day’ motivates Unite employees move.

Unite’s  Köthen office wins family-friendly company award

Anhalt-Bitterfeld rural district celebrates employers with family-friendly policies and initiatives.

Cybersecurity: How to protect your work devices from malware

Learn how you can protect your mobile devices against viruses and malware.

Unite commits to the German ‘Charta der Vielfalt’

On the occasion of German Diversity Day, we report on how we live diversity at Unite.

Press 24.05.22

Unite completes successful financial year 2021

Unite has reported a strong financial year 2021.

Press 12.04.22

Driving digital transformation for sustainable procurement

Read our commentary feature in the latest edition of Public Sector Executive.

Cybersecurity: how to create a secure password

Unite’s IT Operations Officer, Alexander Warschun, explains how complex a password needs to be.

Sustainability beyond CSR

Taking action in procurement and supply chain management

United for gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow

Interview with Dr Jane Lynch about the role of women in procurement and educating the future generations

“A second life for IT hardware”

Interview with Marco Kuhn from bb-net

Cybersecurity: Protecting yourself from phishing and other threats

This blog post lays out the most common cybersecurity threats.

Press 13.01.22

Mercateo becomes Unite: B2B platform repositions itself

The Mercateo Group merges its two lines of business under one new brand, Unite.