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We continue to organise relief efforts for the people of Ukraine. We continue to organise relief efforts for the people of Ukraine.

Unite with Ukraine

We stand together and take action

We continue to organise relief efforts for the people of Ukraine. Let’s make a bigger impact together. Stand united with Unite for Ukraine.

What we believe

We strongly condemn the war of aggression against Ukraine and are appalled by Russia’s invasion. Together with the international community, we speak out for peace and call for Russia to immediately withdraw its forces from Ukraine.

How we can help together

The safety and well-being of the Ukrainian people is close to our hearts. That’s why we continue to organise aid campaigns and provide donations. Thanks to our Ukrainian colleagues, we have direct contact with aid organisations in the country. Our entities in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries also help to ensure that donations reach the people who need them most. 

We’re impressed and thankful to see the great solidarity and commitment with which Unite employees are helping the people of Ukraine. They’ve organised fundraising campaigns, arranged accommodation for refugees and generously donated to relief organisations. This strengthens our credo that together we can achieve more.

Unite with Ukraine – helping together

If you want to support our relief efforts, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. We’re organising the transport of relief aid on an ongoing basis.

We don’t make any profit from supplying aid to Ukraine. Our employees and suppliers have been volunteering during work hours to organise the purchasing, processing and logistics of supplies.

Thank you to the many volunteers, colleagues, suppliers and partners who’ve made these relief efforts possible!

Supporting relief efforts and organisations in the UK and across Europe