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Managed Supply

Trust and quality form the basis of all our long-term business relationships. That’s why we have such high standards for the suppliers chosen for our Spotmarket. We make sure you get the greatest possible variety of items and a first-rate procurement experience by collaborating only with carefully evaluated, high-quality suppliers.

Aims of our supplier management

Our primary aim is to offer our customers in every country the widest possible product range for their tail end procurement. We always offer competitive conditions, a comprehensive product range and a high level of performance. We currently work with 700 evaluated suppliers from every level of the supply chain in 12 European countries.

Developing partnerships

Developing partnerships

We work with our suppliers to create strategic partnerships with an emphasis on personal contact, cooperation and longevity. This means we can establish sustainable, efficient procurement processes for our customers.

Ensuring quality standards

Ensuring quality standards

We expect a consistently high quality of deliveries and customer service as well as competitive conditions from our suppliers. That’s why we carry out checks and are in regular contact with them to ensure we reach the best result.

Guaranteeing compliance

Guaranteeing compliance

We understand that compliance is important in terms of value creation for our customers. That’s why we aim to meet all the associated requirements for a reliable and legally compliant procurement process.

Trust and reliability

Integrity and trust are central to the success that Unite has enjoyed since it was founded. These values are reflected in our external image and are cultivated in our daily interactions with our suppliers and customers.

External audits and certificates

In 2024, Unite was awarded the EcoVadis Gold rating for the first time, recognising its significant sustainability efforts. In this latest evaluation, Unite improved its overall score by 21 points compared to 2023, reaching a total of 74 points.

Values for long-term success

The Unite promise

The Unite Promise

We are advocates of fair competition and place great importance on equal opportunities. We insist on transparency and say no to backroom deals. We also require our suppliers to comply with this. Needless to say, the standards we expect from our partners are also applicable to us.

Data security

Data security

Appropriate technical and organisational measures are put in place to protect data. For example, we use the SSL encryption standard and our host servers and data processing computers are located in Germany.

Protecting rights

Protecting rights

We ensure that intellectual property is protected and that other property rights are respected. Product information and product images are obtained directly from the manufacturer or from selected content providers.

Maintaining quality

Maintaining quality

We have put rigorous checks in place to prevent trademark counterfeits, parallel imports and piracy. This means we can ensure that no inferior goods or counterfeit items are sold on our platforms. You can contact our legal department directly in the case of any discrepancies.

Code of Conduct

The Unite Promise outlines the key requirements for our business partners. In order for suppliers to be approved on our platforms, they must commit themselves to the protection of human rights, the environment and human dignity. We expects our partners and suppliers to accept these obligations in full and to offer their active support in adhering to these principles throughout the supply chain. The Code of Conduct forms part of every contract agreed with our suppliers.

Evaluated and quality-assured suppliers

At Unite, we thrive on diversity. This is evident in our partners too. We currently work with 700 evaluated and quality-assured suppliers from every level of the supply chain in 12 European countries. These strategic partnerships enable us to offer a wide product range on the Spotmarket, with over 16,400 brands from well-known manufacturers and more than 100 million items in 29 categories.

In order to guarantee this in the long term, we have established an ongoing process that keeps us in constant communication with customers and suppliers. We place great importance on building personal relationships to facilitate successful outcomes for customers and suppliers.

Developing long-term strategic partnerships

Building strategic partnerships begins with the process of selecting suppliers. Successful relationships can only be built on well-informed decision-making. Integrating, evaluating and developing our suppliers strategically are also important cornerstones of a successful partnership.

Supplier selection

We want to select the best suppliers across Europe. Our decisions are always based on objective criteria. We take into account customer-service factors, price and logistical considerations as well as consistent quality standards, reliability and sustainability. We follow consistent procedures and always work in a transparent manner.

Supplier evaluation

We evaluate and rate our suppliers regularly according to our standardized evaluation criteria. We speak to our suppliers directly about the results of the evaluation and agree on ways to optimise the way we can work together in the future. Where something has gone wrong, we check whether improvements have been made in the interests of our customers.

Supplier development

The results of the supplier evaluation are translated into actions for supplier development and serve as the foundation for future strategic direction. We also share our insights into market development and customer needs with our suppliers in order to help them become successful competitors.