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Unite is signatory to the Armed Forces Covenant

A group of HR professionals sit at a table discussing recruitment

Our pledge to support the Armed Forces

The covenant represents a government-backed initiative in the UK that champions the requirements of the armed forces community. By signing the covenant, Unite has pledged to demonstrate flexibility towards the circumstances of the broader armed forces community and ensure just and suitable treatment for all individuals involved, including spouses, partners, and adult volunteers in the cadet force.

Major Craig Middle

Unite has joined a group of like-minded organisations, committed to ensuring equal opportunity and continued support for the armed forces community members. Extending the network of organisations with an Armed Forces Covenant pledge is essential to growing awareness and continued protection for these members of society.

Major Craig Middle (British Army) – Regional Employer Engagement Director, RFCA for Wales

Two persons holding up a big plus sign, symbolising the high supplier standards at Unite

Making a contribution

At Unite, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and thriving culture where veterans and serving armed forces personnel can prosper and continue to make invaluable contributions to our shared success.

Two men shake hands after Unite signs the Armed Forces Covenant Pledge
Proudly signing the Armed Forces Covenant Pledge with the RFCA for Wales

As a member of the Armed Forces Community and Unite, I continue to resource the additional knowledge, experience and qualifications offered by the Royal Navy, University Royal Naval Unit and Unite to maximise my output for each organisation.

Alastair McDonald, Strategic Procurement and Contracts Manager - UK and Ireland, Unite