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Unite is shaping a better future

Unite is committed to sustainability and transparency in its business operations. We understand the importance of having a clear sustainability approach. Our sustainability report showcases our commitment to environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.

Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time

In a constantly changing world with limited resources and fluctuating prices, genuine sustainability, innovation, and the active participation of all stakeholders are needed to achieve successful shared value creation.

At Unite, we connect the economy for sustainable business and help companies achieve long-term sustainability goals. Our e-procurement platform, with its integrated B2B Marketplace and Procurement Portal, enables easy procurement for businesses and the public sector. The Unite Platform brings buyers and suppliers together for mutual benefit, promoting fair competition and trusted partnerships.

Our sustainability report highlights some of our solutions contributing to sustainability, environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance. Although we are only obligated to disclose our sustainability information starting in 2026, it is important for us to provide a good overview of where we stand now and the challenges that still lie ahead. As we continuously develop our business model and products, internal sustainability remains a matter close to our hearts. 

Man stands on hill and looks at the sun rise in the horizon

Intrinsic motivation

The decision to develop a sustainability strategy is intrinsically motivated. Through appropriate corporate governance, we have established clear responsibilities for the e-procurement platform’s sustainability, compliance and internal sustainability. Every employee had the opportunity to contribute to developing the sustainability roadmap by completing a questionnaire. External stakeholders also participated in the process through dialogues and written recommendations. Together with them, we identified the sustainability issues that are essential to us so that we can consistently work on them.

A woman and a man are looking at a tablet

Sustainability report according to the DNK standard

We use the German Sustainability Code (DNK) for our sustainability report. The DNK provides a cross-sector and widely recognised standard in Europe for reporting on the non-financial performance of companies. The code defines 20 criteria that provide guidance to companies regarding ecology, social issues and corporate governance. The DNK ensures better comparability of the sustainability performance of reporting organisations. Our performance is also compared to other companies through our EcoVadis certification.
In developing our sustainability strategy using the DNK, we asked three questions:

  1. How can we contribute to sustainable development that is environmentally friendly?
  2. What does collective action mean?
  3. What steps are necessary to ensure proper behaviour?

Unite participates in the UN Global Compact

Unite is not just committed to sustainability; we are actively pursuing it. Our recent participation in the UN Global Compact (UNGC) is a testament to this. Nora Reumschüssel, our Corporate Sustainability Specialist, elaborates on our decision to participate in the UNGC and the proactive measures we are taking to continuously pursue and develop our sustainability goals.

We care about the environment

Colleagues at Unite are in a meeting to discuss opportunities to incorporate sustainable choices into our product range

2.6 million certified items

Through Unite, goods worth millions are purchased annually. Our most significant impact lies in providing participants on the platform with opportunities to choose more sustainable products and suppliers. That’s why we are incorporating more product and supplier transparency into our platform. We give our customers the ability to filter for sustainable items. Currently, products with over 30 environmental and social labels are specifically filterable for approximately 2,700 search terms. Across all our marketplaces (including international ones), we offer around 2.66 million certified items. Purchasing managers can find the certificates transparently displayed on the search results page, alongside details such as price and availability.

A tablet is being browsed

Study: Sustainable Procurement and Responsible Supply Chains

Procurement plays a central role when it comes to sustainability. This is evidenced by the new study ‘Sustainable Procurement and Responsible Supply Chains 2023’ conducted by the JARO Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation e.V. in collaboration with the CBS International Business School and Unite. The study’s results show that sustainability is considered significant even in economically challenging times, driven partly by customer expectations.

Two people riding bicycles in a city

CO₂ reduction journey

We are currently developing a CO₂ reduction path, a significant component of our sustainability efforts. It describes when we as a company will become carbon neutral. The rule we follow is reduction before compensation.

With this, we establish short-and long-term reduction measures, such as transforming our business mobility.

We began implementing various reduction measures for instance, we use electricity from renewable sources for our office locations in Germany. We have significantly reduced space and heat consumption in our offices through more efficient space utilisation and subletting.

Furthermore, in line with our environmental goals, we have changed our procurement and travel policy in favour of train travel. Our company car policy aims to control CO₂ emissions, and several vehicles in our fleet have been replaced with electric cars.

Unitees cook and serve delicious food on World Environmental Day

Sustainability Team’s efforts

Our Sustainability Team supports colleagues in making environmentally conscious decisions to reduce Unite’s negative carbon footprint. Through various actions such as fixing bicycles in a self-help workshop, offering vegan chili tastings on World Environment Day, and providing Fairtrade-certified coffee and fair-trade chocolate during Fairtrade Week, colleagues are sensitised to ecological sustainability. The team also supports the development of a reduction path towards a carbon neutral Unite.

Promoting ethical behaviour

The Fair Tax Foundation awarded us the Fair Tax Mark for responsible tax conduct

Fair Tax: transparency in tax payment

The Fair Tax Foundation awarded us the Fair Tax Mark for responsible tax behaviour. We are the first platform company to receive this international recognition for tax transparency. Additionally, we are the first multinational company based in Germany to receive this mark.

A woman logistics worker moves goods

Respecting human rights in the supply chain

As a responsible company, we are preparing to fulfill the upcoming EU Supply Chain Directive (CSDDD) and proactively address the resulting requirements. Learn more: Sustainability in the supply chain.

Principles such as fairness and transparency are firmly anchored in the Unite guidelines. This also applies to our Code of Conduct for Business Partners, which addresses the requirements of the Supply Chain Act and whose contents must be confirmed by the suppliers of the Unite platform. _

Two women talking to each other


To us, compliance goes beyond adhering to guidelines and legal regulations. It’s engrained in our trust-based and collaborative approach, both within and outside the company.

Change requires collective action

Companies need help implementing a sustainable procurement strategy. To achieve long-term sustainability goals, close cooperation and the transfer of expertise along the entire value chain are required. At the 2nd Sustainability Stakeholder Dialogue, we sat down with procurement managers and suppliers from leading companies to discuss market-relevant sustainability aspects. This collaborative approach strengthens our commitment to a sustainable future.

Three guests at the Stakeholder dialogue

Cutting down on CO₂ emissions caused by travel is one of the major challenges of global climate protection. At Unite, we’ve found a way to make our business trips more eco-friendly.

Two Unitees in front of a bus shuttle

Since 2022, there has been an employee-elected Culture Circle that regularly engages with the Unite board to discuss topics related to international and national collaboration within the company. The Culture Circle also includes employees from foreign subsidiaries to jointly represent the interests of all. The Culture Circle contributes to promoting and further developing our corporate culture, ensuring that everyone feels heard and understood.

Group picture of men and women in a meeting room
The Culture Circle contributes the corporate culture.

We advocate for diverse and inclusive work and living environments for all employees. We offer a variety of family-friendly, inclusive measures and flexible working time arrangements. For our flexible working models, we received the third-place award in the nationwide Mindshift Awards. The jury recognised our Smart Work concept, which enables flexible work and hybrid collaboration for our employees.

A woman sits in an office in front of a screen and turns to face the camera
The Smart Work concept enables flexible working and hybrid collaboration for our employees.

Diversity enriches our work environment and opens opportunities for new solutions. By signing the Diversity Charter in 2021, we have already taken a stand for diversity. We acknowledge and welcome that people are different and promote this concerning diverse backgrounds, origins, ages, genders, etc. We employ over 700 individuals from 31 nations, of which 55% are women. Women occupy 46% of leadership positions. The age structure ranges from 17 to 65 years. The majority of employees are aged between 30 and 50.

Digitalisation has made global work possible. Therefore, in addition to employees at 12 European locations, we now also have many remote workers around the world. A working group is dedicated to diversity and equal opportunities to raise awareness within the company for diversity.

We’ve also established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Employee Resource Group (ERG) that can be contacted by departments and individual employees. This group plays a crucial role in ensuring that DEI considerations are integrated into various processes and events.

Three female Unitees smiling at the photographer
Over 700 individuals from 31 nations work for Unite.

Our company’s Health Management Team has cared for employees’ health for many years. The team organises skin screenings, eye check-ups, health days with check-ups and sports activities, flu vaccinations, and much more. In addition, trained ergonomics officers provide training on proper posture at the workplace to prevent back pain. We have received the Healthcare Award from Barmer health insurance for our commitment to health promotion for the fourth time.

Group picture with five women standing and sitting
At Unite, a Health Management Team has cared for employees' health for many years

Motivated, satisfied, and therefore also high-performing employees are one of the decisive success factors for any company. Through our in-house Academy, employees can further develop their soft skills and professional expertise. The complete range of offerings is accessible through our learning platform to enable learning as independent as possible from time, location and language.

A woman is writing on a whiteboard, three people are sitting on armchairs watching
Through an in-house Academy employees can further develop their soft skills and professional expertise.

In 2022, we established a volunteer Ukraine Aid Group composed of employees. They organised donation campaigns, facilitated refugee accommodations, and made private donations to aid organisations. We also encourage our customers and suppliers to donate relief goods on the company website. Additionally, we are in contact with aid organisations such as the Association for Global Emergency Relief, which handles relief transports to Ukraine on our behalf.

A man stands next to a car and waves his hand in the direction of the photographer
Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, we’ve been supporting the Association for Worldwide Emergency Aid.

In the summer of 2023, we moved into new office buildings in Leipzig and Munich. Our new headquarters in Leipzig, called ‘Netzwerk’ (network), is an identity-establishing place that brings Unite members together, fosters exchange, and promotes networking with others. Different work areas cater to the needs of employees, including spaces for colleagues who prefer focussed, quiet work, as well as creative elements and rooms. An in-house canteen that takes care of catering needs. Learn more about our headquarters.

Image of an office building on a street
Our new headquarters in Leipzig.

Our headquarters was built according to extensive sustainability and green energy criteria. We are currently pursuing certification according to the Gold Standard sustainability criteria of the German Sustainable Building Council, and the process is still ongoing. The certification includes compliance with various parameters such as energy efficiency, resource conservation, and a healthy working environment – with a total index of 65% or higher.

Two hands hold a plant

Looking ahead

Sustainable business practices are not only good for the planet but also beneficial for the business itself. Our roadmap for 2024 focuses on strengthening this understanding of our products, solutions, and partnerships.

We see that we still have a long way to go. We must understand customer requirements better and create transparency throughout the supply chain. The transition to sustainability is a continuous journey that can only be achieved together.

Download the Unite sustainability report

Learn more about Unite’s sustainability strategy and the findings of our research.