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Unite and RS: Three solutions for more online sales

More online sales. More customer contacts. More sustainability. These were RS’s objectives when choosing Unite’s solutions. Based in the UK, RS is the world’s largest distributor of electronics and maintenance products. As such, it helps customers design, maintain, repair and operate safe and sustainable industrial facilities and enterprises. RS relies on Unite’s Spotmarket, Network and exclusive catalogues. The result: significant domestic and international sales success.

RS company picture showing the RS warehouse in Bad Hersfeld, Germany. A truck stands in front of one of the many loading docks.

The success story at a glance


  • Sell 650,000 items across 13 countries
  • Become more competitive online
  • Customise offer to the procurement needs of individual customers
  • Provide customers with a one-stop shop


  • Increased sales and exposure across the existing 12 target markets
  • Fulfilled an array of customer requirements
  • An expanded sales strategy
  • Achieved visibility in ERP and e-procurement systems
  • Set up consistent processes across all countries

Our solutions

  • Unite Spotmarket
    anonymous sales to thousands of connected customers with immediate indirect demands
  • Unite BusinessShop
    direct sales to customers with recurring demands and individual pricing
  • Exclusive catalogues
    covering existing framework agreements with customers for direct sales

Solutions for ambitious sales targets

Digitalisation has long been a game changer in the world of procurement, driving more and more customers to the web. To stay competitive and profitable, suppliers need online marketplaces to offer their customers a one-stop shop.

As an electronic, electromechanical engineering and automation technology distributor, RS recognised this early on. RS has been relying on Unite’s Spotmarket for many years. It also uses our BusinessShop and exclusive catalogues as digital sales tools. The number one goal for suppliers is to always be exactly where customers search for and buy products – whether that’s on the internet or via their preferred procurement solution. The second goal is to set up fast, cost-saving procurement processes with Unite’s digital catalogues to drive business, both domestically and internationally.

Consultant, partner and platform all wrapped into one

Having customised offers is what sets suppliers apart from their competition. Unite is very aware of that and works closely with its suppliers, providing them with a direct contact person and strategic advice – no matter which catalogue solution is being used.

Unite Spotmarket:
Be where your customers are

Unite graphic illustrating the easy buying process. A woman infront of a plus sign clicks on a buy button.

It didn’t take RS long to figure out where its customers place their orders and then meet their digital procurement needs. Today, customers can choose from up to 650,000 RS items on the Unite Spotmarket.

Data transparency gives way to dynamic decision-making

According to Mirjam van der Most, corporate account manager at RS, shipping conditions are the most important factor for customers on the Unite Spotmarket. Suppliers get access to reliable product data, favourable conditions and real-time information on product availability or partial deliveries per order, giving them a competitive edge. RS runs a dynamic sales strategy: based on the given product, the company decides on the best pricing and availability strategy as well as delivery time. Transparent, automated data on current demand, competitors’ prices and availability help RS make these decisions.

The right solution for every customer

Unite as a web-based solution is ideal for small and medium-sized companies. It covers their entire indirect procurement on the web while providing access to a wide range of products. It also comes with useful features such as user and cost management as well as approval processes.

Customers with their own e-procurement system can connect their solution to the Unite Spotmarket via API or punch-out and still keep their own approval and budget control processes. Most customers cover their indirect spend using this procurement method – which is a good reason for suppliers to meet their customers at this point in the buying journey.

A branded online catalogue

RS was one of the first suppliers to activate our BusinessShop solution. With a BusinessShop, RS’ sales team can map existing customer relationships under its own brand, digitalise them and connect them with a dedicated contact person. At its core, it’s a branded online catalogue enabling a direct sales approach featuring personal contact with maximum transparency.

Measurable success with digital turnover

The company’s experience with the Unite BusinessShop has been outstanding. In Germany, RS has recorded a significant increase in e-shares in sales, high access figures, many active customers as well as steadily high demand and customer satisfaction. The Unite BusinessShop has already established itself as an everyday go-to for RS customers. This success has led RS to roll out its catalogue solution to 11 more countries. Bonus: the revenue achieved can be assigned to individual sales reps. Adding a digital dimension to traditional sales offers real added value.

Unite graphic illustrating the administration of BusinessShops. A man infront of a laptop screen is surrounded by icon graphics with a wheel, envelope, shopping basket and a person.

Exclusive catalogue:
For star customers

Unite graphic illustrating the partnership-based collaboration. A man and a woman shake hands.

Many suppliers feature key accounts in their sales portfolio, i.e. those that are crucial for their revenue and reputation. RS can meet the high-revenue demands of its key accounts with a customised catalogue and a range of features.

Customer focus

Customised offers are especially important for large accounts as they’re largely responsible for predictable turnover. If a customer requires customised assortments and prices as well as individual payment and return options, RS can meet this demand with Unite’s exclusive catalogue. It also lets customers define their own catalogue specifications, such as item identification or product group mapping. Unite makes sure that RS’ systems are compatible with their key accounts.

12 countries. 1 platform.

One end customer, one supplier and one procurement solution – no matter the customers’ location. Unite’s solutions are already available in 12 countries. If customers based in one of those countries want to switch to buying online, Unite’s already there and can offer the exact same processes that the supplier has come to appreciate.

RS also benefits from Unite’s international presence. As a global player, the parts distributor strives to consolidate its online sales at an international scale. That’s why RS will also start using the Unite in countries where customers want or need access to e-procurement. This will allow RS to set international standards and establish new digital sales channels.

RS Company picture of a high-bay warehouse from the inside perspective, showing the different levels and an assembly line.

Unite: it’s up to the customer

With Unite, RS has been able to expand its reach and market presence. It’s now relevant to customer groups that had only shown little interest before. The customers get to decide which solutions suit their requirements best. “Our customers are still our customers – whether they take the indirect or direct purchasing route,” says Mirjam van der Most. Quick availability is and always will be a key factor for maximum levels of customer satisfaction with C-parts. With Unite, RS can handle any online sales scenario, serve different customer needs and provide personal support to its customers. It’s the perfect combination of traditional and digital sales.

RS corporate image showing a bird

About RS

  • Sector: C-parts distribution
  • As seen in image: German warehouse in Bad Hersfeld
  • Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
  • Headcount: over 8,000 worldwide

Get in touch

Would you like to know more about optimising your procurement processes with the Unite platform? We’re happy to walk you through it.